Category Archive for 'Projects'

AVLTree 0.1.4 Released

Sunday, November 16th, 2008

This morning I released AVLTree version 0.1.4. The difference from version 0.1.3 is an idea from modifications made to the code by the Samhain folks to improve performance. If you are not familiar with my AVLTree project, it is a C library that implements AVL trees and provides an interface for indexing and iterating over […]

Templating in Excel

Friday, October 10th, 2008

I wrote a little spreadsheet template language for Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). What for? Say you have a report you create often, and you’re thinking of making a macro in Excel to help automate its generation. You want to report on the sales of your widgets from multiple locations, and you already have […]


Sunday, July 29th, 2007

One of the things I coded in Perl a while ago that I was planning to port to Ruby at some point was a little port forwarding utility called portforw (GPL license). I provided a link to download it here because perhaps you may find it useful, too, if you also need such a utility. […]

Capistrano and Administration

Wednesday, July 18th, 2007

Know what Capistrano is? I did a presentation on it in February, so I know a little about it. At the time I was investigating it as a hopeful candidate that could assist with configuration management for general systems administration for an environment of about 150 Solaris systems. I discovered that Capistrano is a fantastic […]