Category Archive for 'Unix'

Using RCS to Version Control Your Unix Host

Tuesday, August 14th, 2007

Ever make a change on that Unix host you manage and need to undo it? Good thing you made a backup, right? You even gave it an extra extension, .bak, so that you would know it was the backup. But wait a minute, this file also has copies with extensions .backup, .20070813, .20051221, and .john. […]

Parsing Dates in Unix with Ruby

Saturday, August 11th, 2007

Ever need to write a script that can read a human readable date and turn it into something a computer can use? How often do you have “August 10, 2007” in a string and need that converted to a number of seconds since January 1, 1970? As it turns out, Ruby includes an excellent module […]

Capistrano and Administration

Wednesday, July 18th, 2007

Know what Capistrano is? I did a presentation on it in February, so I know a little about it. At the time I was investigating it as a hopeful candidate that could assist with configuration management for general systems administration for an environment of about 150 Solaris systems. I discovered that Capistrano is a fantastic […]