Category Archive for 'Ruby'

Back to Perl

Friday, July 20th, 2007

In my day job I spent a few hours today working in Perl. Having been using Ruby for over six years now I am quite familiar with how lacking Perl is in comparison. However, once again I was floored by how much less intuitive things are outside of Ruby. Even though Perl is a great […]

Capistrano and Administration

Wednesday, July 18th, 2007

Know what Capistrano is? I did a presentation on it in February, so I know a little about it. At the time I was investigating it as a hopeful candidate that could assist with configuration management for general systems administration for an environment of about 150 Solaris systems. I discovered that Capistrano is a fantastic […]

Ruby, Rails, Applicaton Security, and more!

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

I’ve decided that should be dedicated to my favorite computer topics: Ruby, Rails, application security, and OpenBSD. This is all awesome stuff. Stuff that is awesomely interesting to me. However my level of knowledge in these topics varies a bit, and it creates a perplexing situation for me.

Updating Webpage

Wednesday, September 27th, 2006

If it isn’t obvious, I’m updating my web page for the first time in over four years. This is mostly due to the fact that I’ve been participating in the LiveJournal community for the most part, and blogging there. There’s also a link in the sidebar.